Who We Work With
Our first year, Growing for Change was implemented into two classes taught by faculty in Urban Planning and Global Sustainability. In our second year, Growing for Change has it's own class created in partnership with faculty from the School of Architecture and Public Health Sciences. The class was taught by UVA students, who worked as curriculum coordinators for the Growing for Change Initiative, and was advised by professors Schaeffer Somers and Wendy Cohn.
Growing for Change has an official partnership with the Public Housing Association of Residents (PHAR). Our MOU lays the foundation for collaborative efforts that seek to make a healthy environment more accessible to residents of public housing both prior to and after redevelopment.
In addition to PHAR, Growing for Change also partners with Cultivate Charlottesville and the UVA Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, which provide resources and community support.
Lastly, our organization is grateful to the Dalai Lama Fellows for their initial funding of our project. Their global education and ethical leadership currculum lays the foundation for our organization's social impact.